tyrannosaurus rex

tyrannosaurus rex Coloring Pages

realistic t-rex out for a stroll in a field

Realistic T-Rex Enjoys a Stroll Through a Field on a Cloudy Day

This realistic Tyrannosaurus Rex made the best of the cloudy day by going for a stroll in a nearby field.

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young t-rex getting ready to blow out his candles

Young T-Rex Gets Ready to Blow Out His Birthday Candles

This young T-Rex can’t wait for his favourite part of birthday parties – blowing out the candles. Hope his wish comes true! Download this free coloring page.

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triceratops and trex celebrate valentines day

Young Triceratops and T-Rex Celebrate Their Friendship on Valentine’s Day

This young Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus Rex gave each other gifts and candy to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

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swimming baby trex dinosaur

Swimming Baby Dinosaur

This baby dinosaur is swimming in the water. Color him in.

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Walking baby Tyrannosaurus Rex

This baby Tyrannosaurus Rex hatched about a week ago and their parents finally let them explore the forest nearby. While exploring, they were excited and happy to see all plants and scenery around them. This Tyrannosaurus Rex really liked the plants and the clouds and is excited to see more. This baby Tyrannosaurus Rex is

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Swimming baby Tyrannosaurus Rex

This baby Tyrannosaurus Rex decided to go swimming because he loves the water. You can download this page by clicking the download button below. It is free! It is not everyday you get to color in a swimming baby dinosaur. What fun! Download and Printing Instructions: Click the Download PDF/Print to easily display the image

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Detailed Tyrannosaurus Rex

Here is a Tyrannosaurus Rex posing for a picture. This Tyrannosaurus Rex is drawn a little differently than some of the other Tyrannosaurus Rex coloring pages. This one is more detailed and shaded than the rest. Just like people, it is likely that dinosaurs were unique as well. What are some of the things that

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How fast do you think this Tyrannosaurus Rex can run?

Here is a Tyrannosaurus Rex going for her daily run in front of an erupting volcano. Tyrannosaurus Rex are known for being fairly quick dinosaurs thanks to their large, strong legs, so it is not a surprise that this Tyrannosaurus Rex likes to run so much. How fast do you think they can run? Enjoy

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Scary Tyrannosaurus Rex

This Tyrannosaurus Rex is starting to grow up and wants to be known as scary instead of just cute. His friends told him that if he wants to come across as scary, then he should work on his scary faces. Do you think this Tyrannosaurus Rex is scary? You get to chose how you would

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Tyrannosaurus Rex In a Good Mood

Here is a Tyrannosaurus Rex going for a walk on a beautiful morning. This Tyrannosaurus Rex had a great sleep last night and woke up well-rested and ready to take on the day. They started the day with a walk to see the trees, mountains, and other scenery because it makes them happy. This happy

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Laughing Tyrannosaurus Rex

This Tyrannosaurus Rex was out for a walk when a volcano suddenly erupted. This scared him and made him jump in the air and almost fall over. His friend saw this happen and started laughing at him. At first he was upset, but then he found it funny and started laughing himself. You get to

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Goofy Tyrannosaurus Rex

This Tyrannosaurus Rex likes to make those around them laugh. One of their favorite ways to make people laugh is to make good faces. Below, you can see this Tyrannosaurus Rex practicing silly faces to do in front of their friends and family. What color will you make this goofy Tyrannosaurus Rex? Make sure to

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Color in This Mischievous Tyrannosaurus Rex

This Tyrannosaurus Rex went for a walk to get some food when he saw his friend in the distance. Instead of walking up to his friends and saying hello, he thought it would be funnier to yell out their name and startle them. When he did that, his friend jumped up and screamed, which made

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Posing Tyrannosaurus Rex By Volcano

This Tyrannosaurus Rex was out with a friend. While walking, their friend pulled out a camera to take some cute pictures of each other. While taking pictures, a volcano erupted so they thought it would be a good background for a picture. This coloring page shows this Tyrannosaurus Rex posing with the volcano. You get

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What color will you make this Tyrannosaurus?

Here is Tyrannosaurus that has just woken up and is ready to get on with his day. Today is a busy day because he is starting school. He is a little nervous about going to school but is excited to make new friends. What color will you makes this Tyrannosaurus? This Tyrannosaurus also has a

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Hatching baby Tyrannosaurus with mother

This baby Tyrannosaurus just hatched today. When they opened their eyes, the first thing they saw was thier mom looking down at them proudly. The baby is excited to explore this new world with their mom, as well as their siblings once they hatch. What color do you think Tyrannosaurus eggs are? Do you think

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