Parasaurolophus Coloring Pages
Exploring Baby Parasaurolophus
This baby Parasaurolophus just hatched earlier this week and went to the nearby forest to explore. While exploring, they came across an erupting volcano. This is the first time they have seen an erupting volcano. At first, the loud booms coming from the volcano startled the baby but after a bit, they grew to really
Shy Baby Parasaurolophus
This baby Parasaurolophus hatched earlier this week and is still learning to understand those around them. They are still young and a little shy and nervous about the world and the people around them, but they are slowly starting to open up. They are excited to continue to learn about the new world around them.
Curious Young Parasaurolophus
This young Parasaurolophus is starting to get a little older and their parents allowed them to explore alone for the first time. While exploring, they were amazed at all the new things they got to see. There were plants, animals, volcanoes, and more. They are excited to continue to explore more around them. What color
Courageous Parasaurolophus
Here is a Parasaurolophus going exploring the forest. This Parasaurolophus was always a little nervous about going to explore too far away so they would stay near their home when walking. But today, they decided to walk around new areas. They were excited by the trees, mountains, and other scenery they saw and wants to
Young Parasaurolophus Visiting Friends
This young Parasaurolophus is supposed to visit her grandparents today. Usually, she walks to her friend’s house with her parents, but for the first time, her parents allowed her to walk alone. She was very excited to be old enough to do that, so she made sure to enjoy every minute of it. What color
Sneaky Parasaurolophus
This Parasaurolophus likes to play pranks on his siblings. Today, he decided that he was going to sneak up and scare them. In the picture below, you can see him sneaking around, excited to startle his siblings and make him and them laugh. What color will you make this Parasaurolophus? Make sure to color in
Parasaurolophus On a Beautiful Day
Here is a Parasaurolophus going for a walk on a beautiful day. This Parasaurolophus woke up to beautiful weather. This put them in a great mood, so they decided to share the mood with friends and family. Here they on their way to cheer up those around them. This happy Parasaurolophus is ready to be
Parasaurolophus In a Good Mood
Here is a Parasaurolophus going for a walk on a beautiful morning. This Parasaurolophus had a great sleep last night and woke up well-rested and ready to take on the day. They started the day with a walk to see the trees, mountains, and other scenery, because it makes them happy. This happy Parasaurolophus is
Walking Parasaurolophus
Here is a Parasaurolophus going for a walk in the forest. This Parasaurolophus was always a little nervous about going to explore too far away, but today, they decided to walk around new areas. They were excited by the trees, mountains, and other scenery they saw and wants to explore more. This walking Parasaurolophus is
Grandpa Parasaurolophus
Here is Grandpa Parasaurolophus going for walk to visit his grandchildren. Grandpa here is starting to get more wrinkles on his body as he gets older. How else do you think Parasaurolophus changes as they get older? Color in grandpa how you think Parasaurolophus look as they grow old. Don’t forget to color the scenario
Playful Parasaurolophus babies with mother
These baby Parasaurolophus hatched today and are excited to explore the world with their mother. While out for a walk, the mother heard a boom and knew a volcano would be erupting soon. She wanted to show her babies something they had not seen yet. She took them to see the erupting volcano and they
Parasaurolophus looking for acorns
Here is Parasaurolophus exploring the forest looking for acorns. Their friend said that he saw acorns while out on a walk and those are this Parasaurolophus’ favorite thing to play with. After an hour of looking, they were about to give up, but looked up and found a tree with a bunch of acorns. What
Hatching baby Parasaurolophus with mother
This baby Parasaurolophus just hatched today. When they opened their eyes, the first thing they saw was their mom which made them smile. The baby is excited to explore this new world with their mom, as well as their siblings once they hatch. What color do you think Parasaurolophus eggs are? Have fun coloring the
Exploring Parasaurolophus
Here is Parasaurolophus exploring the forest after hearing a loud boom to look for what caused it. After an hour of looking, they came across a smoking volcano and realized that the loud boom they heard earlier from the volcano erupting. What color will you use for the Parasaurolophus? Make sure to also color in
Smiling Parasaurolophus
Here is smiling Parasaurolophus on their way to visit their best friend. Visiting best friends makes this Parasaurolophus even happier, so that is why there is a smile on their face. Who is your life do you get happy and excited to visit? This smiling is ready to be colored. You can also choose to
Dino playdate
These four babies in this picture are a Spinosaurus, a Parasaurolophus, a Plesiosaur, and Triceratops. Their parents set up this playdate so they could get to know each other better and become good friends. Color in these four babies using the colors you like. You can make them match or make them look completely different.